It's over.
And here we are, Raffles Girls' Guitar Ensemble,
To say that I am proud to be a member of RGGE would be an understatement. We've never ever had a Gold with Honours before (I think), in 2003 it was a silver, in 2005 a gold. And in 2007 - a gold with honours! No one deserves this award better than our seniors and our beloved Mr Chua! Mr Chua, our wonderful and somewhat cheesy instructor! I feel like kissing his boots! I've never seen him as happy as he was today. For once, he was actually running, as he greeted us with shouts of 'Gold with honours!' I still remember the look he had on his face today, during our performance. A look of plain fear flashed across his face as he gestured frantically for Lisa to tune her bass guitar. Mr Chua had actually been
scared - afraid for
us, that we would not have enough time to complete our Mozart piece. Afraid that we might actually get something worse than we ever expected - a silver perhaps, when we knew we didn't deserve it.
Our seniors - well, I needn't say more. They have O Levels this year, yet they sacrificed their precious time to painstakingly polish up our then cringe-worthy La Cumparsita and Mozart. They were more than seniors to us - they were mentors; patient instructors who hovered over the trembling juniors, patiently teaching, mimicking fingers as they moved across the fretboard. They were our buoys in darkened seas, our guardians through the blackest nights as they murmured words of encouragement, as they cried and laughed along with us.
Above all, they were our friends.
This Gold with Honours award? Yeah, it wasn't for us. It wasn't for the fame nor the glory of beating other schools flat.
It was for them.
So thank you, seniors and Mr Chua (and ex-seniors, who placed high hopes on us). You guys have been the inspiration for all the juniors, I'm sure, to keep plucking that guitar with as much grace we can muster, as we wince with our sore and bleeding calloused hands. We've all worked hard for this, but no one deserves it more than they do.
For their love, patience and kindness, may we always remember them. This award is a dedication to them, for the years to come. When our ways part and swivel down different paths. When we say goodbye to them.
Pictures! All taken on the way to the Singapore Conference Hall.

April and her horns! Hehehe. Our inner dragons were roaring and feeling horny again.

Liting, hiding from the camera. Anna seems dazed.

Singapore Conference Hall!

Jess and April!
A video of us in the bus on the way back to school. We were so depressed so we decided to sing La Cumparsita and Mozart!
If the music's too loud, click here:¤t=P1020690.flv