I was reading it again. The stupid chinese one where the words are vertical and give me a headache.
Anyway, the one I read today was about this woman who got a chain letter in email and how she must send it to twenty-five people and her marriage will last for eternity and stuff, and the title is 'Reasons that men love their wives so'.
(translated from chinese, so it might sound a bit weird - all of the Them are referring to the wives, it's from a man's point of view). Some of the reasons are funny and nice, but some are insulting. Some are sweet and funny, and some are plain stupid.
1. Even if they put on perfume or not, the wives will always smell nice.
2. They always seem to be hanging around your shoulder, resting their head someplace on your arm or something like that.
3. They always give you wonderfully warm hugs.
4. Whenever they kiss you, the world turns upside down, and everything they do, in your eyes, can only be right.
5. They way they eat is extremely cute.
6. Whenever you wish to go out, they always take forever to get ready, but it's always worth it, because whenever they come out, they look absolutely wonderful.
7. Even if the temperature outside happens to be below ten degrees, they always happen to be full of warmth.
8. No matter what they wear, they always look beautiful.
9. They'll always look for ways to earn your praise (stupid).
10. The way they argue is really cute.
11. Their hands always seem to be holding yours.
12. They smile so beautifully.
13. Whenever you finish quarrelling with them, you always feel so guilty and everything you see seems to have their name stamped across them.
14. They'll always say, Let's not quarrel again ok? And just one hour later ...
15. Whenever you do something for them, they'll always kiss you.
16. Whenever you say 'I love you' to them, they'll always kiss you.
17. The truth is, just because they kiss you, nothing else matters.
18. Whenever they cry over stupid things, they'll always come apologizing to you.
19. Whenever they beat you or hit you, they mean it.
20. Whenever they beat or hit you, and it hurt, they'll always apologize (but we'll never admit that it hurt)
21. Whenever they cry, they'll come rushing into your arms.
22. They'll always say, I miss you.
23. You'll always miss them.
24. Whenever they cry so badly, you'll always desperately want to change anything in the world just to make them happy.
Like I said, some are extremely sweet, like the last one. And this is what our future-husbands think of us. I just found it really funny when you put everything into chinese and read it for the first time, like I did.